Canning Macaroni And Cheese

Canning Macaroni And Cheese

Canning Macaroni and Cheese: A Delicious and Easy Way to Preserve Comfort Food

Nothing quite says comfort food like macaroni and cheese. It's a classic dish that's loved by all ages, and it's also easy to make. But why not take it one step further and preserve mac and cheese for later? Canning macaroni and cheese is a great way to enjoy your favorite comfort food all year round, with minimal effort.

What You'll Need To Get Started

Canning macaroni and cheese is a fairly straightforward process, but there are a few tools you'll need to get started. First and foremost, you'll need a pressure canner. This is necessary for safely preserving food at home, as it ensures that the food is heated to a high enough temperature for it to be shelf-stable. You'll also need canning jars, a jar lifter, and a funnel.

How to Can Macaroni and Cheese

Once you have your supplies ready, the canning process is quite simple. Start by prepping your macaroni and cheese. Cook the macaroni according to the package directions, and then mix it with the cheese sauce. Once it's all combined, you're ready to start canning.

Step 1: Prepare the Canner

Fill the pressure canner with the appropriate amount of water, and then place the jars in the canner. Make sure the jars are standing upright and that there's enough room between them for the water to circulate. Place the lid on the canner, and turn the heat to medium-high.

Step 2: Add the Macaroni and Cheese

Once the canner is ready, it's time to add the macaroni and cheese. Use a funnel to fill the jars, and be sure to leave about an inch of headspace at the top. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean cloth, and then place the lids on top.

Step 3: Process the Jars

Once the jars are sealed, it's time to process them. Turn the heat to high, and bring the canner up to the correct pressure. Once the canner reaches the desired pressure, start the timer and process the jars for the recommended amount of time.

Step 4: Cool and Store the Jars

When the timer is finished, turn off the heat and let the canner cool down. Once the pressure has dropped back to normal, remove the jars from the canner and place them on a towel. Let the jars cool for 12-24 hours, and then check the seals. Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place for up to one year.

Tips for Making the Best Macaroni and Cheese

When making macaroni and cheese, be sure to use quality ingredients. Opt for full-fat cheese, preferably one with a sharp flavor. This will give the cheese sauce more depth and flavor. Also, be sure to season the cheese sauce with salt and pepper, and feel free to add your favorite spices.


Canning macaroni and cheese is a great way to enjoy your favorite comfort food all year round. With just a few supplies and some simple steps, you can easily preserve this classic dish for later. Give it a try and see how delicious your homemade mac and cheese can be!

Canning Macaroni And Cheese

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